October 15, 2013

Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups packs Review

I'm a coffee lover and I love my Keurig brewer. Recently I was able to try Green Mountain Coffee K-Cups. I had the Three Continent Blend. It smelled amazing and had a very mellow taste to it. I enjoyed it very much.

 It not only tastes great but I found out Green Mountain Coffee is apart of the Fair Trade Movement. What's the Fair Trade Movement? Well in short it's helping the farmers in the farming communities get a fair price for their coffee beans. By charging a fair price for the beans it helps those community put the extra money saved into building new schools, improving roads, and making the drinking water safer for everybody. Who knew how far that daily cup of coffee could go? Green Mountain has many other great Fair Trade Certified Coffees, to find them and learn more about the Fair Trade Movement visit http://www.choosefairtrade.com/. Pick up a few K-Cups on your next shopping trip and remember it's for a good cause too.

* I'm a BzzAgent and received Green Mountain Coffee to try for FREE. 

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